Project 4: Exercise 1 – Still life using line

This exercise brief threw me a bit as there were lots of questions that I didn’t know how to answer. I set up a scene where the objects did connect naturally – sink taps, toothbrushes and soap dispenser with a bathroom tiled background and some of the shower curtain  peering through the left of the scene. The objects had a variation in texture surface and height for me to experiment lines with.

I created a few thumbnail compositions in my sketchbook, testing different tools, materials and found backgrounds including used envelopes, torn newspaper, old texts, inks and fine liners. I tried continuous line drawings and quick sketches with hatching and cross hatching.

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a4 test using hatching and cross hatching. This made me realise I needed to focus more on line than tones and shadows.

I decided on a standing view in the end to try and capture the flow in line to correspond with the connections between the objects and the way that our eyesight focuses from subject to subject through continuous line drawing with fine liners.

a3 drawing

This is the a3 drawing on a collage of pages of texts from an old book. I have limited the tones to bring more focus to the lines. The majority of  this drawing was through continuous line, expressing strokes and formation across the page to create flowing forms. I did go over the top with coloured fineliners to add a touch of depth and bring the image to life.

Due to the continuous line, I notice many errors with proportions and viewpoints where the brain focuses on the shapes rather than the realism behind the forms, but overall, I feel happy with my use of line to create a still life.



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